Serving our customers, meeting today's challenges, focusing on the future in producing on-time and on budget turnkey operations
77 Federal St, SF - $1,500,000+
Project Description: Offices.
Scope of Work: Demolition, Excavation and Shoring.
Site Area: 20,000 sq.ft
Site Depth: 25 ft
Soil Type: Franciscan Melange.
Shoring Type: Slant Piles, Tie-Backs and Shoring.

975 Bryant, SF - $4,000,000+
Project Description: Condominiums
Scope of Work: Asbestos Abatement, Hazardous Contaminate Remediation, Demolition, Dewatering, Excavation and Shoring.
Site Area: 50,000 sq.ft
Site Depth: 20 ft
Soil Type: Sand, Groundwater
Shoring Type: Soldier Beam and Tie-Backs.

1145 Polk St, SF - $950,000+
Project Description: Condominiums
Scope of Work: Demolition, Excavation and Shoring.
Site Area: 8000 sq.ft
Site Depth: 25 ft
Soil Type: Sand
Shoring Type: Underpinning.

72 Ellis St, SF - $1,200,000+
Project Description: Hotel
Scope of Work: Demolition, Excavation, Dewatering and Shoring.
Site Area: 10,000 sq.ft
Site Depth: 25 ft
Soil Type: Sand, Groundwater
Shoring Type: Soldier Beam, Tie-Backs and Drilled Piers.

Jewish Home, SF - $3,300,000+
Project Description: Healthcare Facility.
Scope of Work: Excavation and Shoring.
Site Area: 100,000 sq.ft
Site Depth: 30 ft
Soil Type: Sand, Groundwater
Shoring Type: Soldier Beam, Underpinning and Drilled Piers to 65 ft.

Riverwalk, Danville, CA
Project Description: 200 ft Emergency Shoring Wall.

2 Alta St, SF
Project Description: Public Works - Wall Repair.

Residence Inn, Walnut Creek - $1,030,000
Excavation, Offhaul, Shoring, Hand Rails
2330 Webster St, Oakland - $2,988,000
Demolition, Install/Fabricate Beams, Laggging, Underpinning, Tiebacks, Excavation & Offhaul
256 Casitas Ave, SF - $245,000
Emergency Demolition
UC Merced, Merced - $3,050,000
Drilling, Shoring, Tiebacks, Lagging, Mass Excavation, Offhaul, Disposal
1554 Market St, SF - $2,142,000
Asbestos Abatement, Demolition, Excavation & Shoring
1650 Broadway St, SF - $275,000
Utility Work
1 Newburg St, SF - $230,000
Grading, Offhaul, DCP Anchor Installations, Testing & Grouting
302 Silver Ave, SF - $2,900,00+
Excavation, Shoring, Drilling, Grading

719 Larkin St, SF - $260,000+
Demolition, Import soil, Lean Concrete

2177 Third St, SF - $1,750,000+
Install/Fabricate Beams, Underpinning, Tie-Backs, Mass Excavation.

1174-1178 Folsom St, SF - $570,000+
Asbestos Abatement, Demolition, Excavation & Shoring